Blood tests, urine tests, nursing assessment.
Complete the self-directed education session.
Sign consents.
Complete the Medical, Social & Travel Questionnaire (MST).
Blood and urine tests x 2.
Nursing assessment: blood pressure, height, weight, medications and allergies.
Crossmatch testing at the Ottawa Hospital Tissue Typing Lab.
Cancer screening.*
*Required for donors over 50 years of age and donors with a family history of certain cancers
Tissue Typing at The Ottawa Hospital
During Phase 1 Evaluations the transplant lab at The Ottawa Hospital needs blood samples from both you and your recipient.
The donor and recipient blood is mixed (crossmatch test) to ensure the recipient blood does not react to your blood (no recipient antibodies against the donor blood).
Recipient antibodies can change over time and another crossmatch will be done before the surgery.

Cross match testing must be done at The Ottawa Hospital.
A pre-booked appointment will be arranged by your nurse.
This is a simple blood test for the donor.
Results take up to two weeks and will confirm if you are a good match with your recipient.
Please note this testing is different than blood type (ABO).
If you are NOT a match to your recipient there is an alternative option for living kidney donation:
Participation in the Kidney Paired Donation Program (KPD).
You will still need to complete all phases of the evaluation process to participate in KPD.
You and your recipient will be entered in KPD together.
Non-directed anonymous donor (NDAD) may participate in KPD.
​At the end of Phase 1 testing the Living Kidney Donor Team will let you know:
If you can proceed to Phase 2 evaluations.
If more testing is required before proceeding to Phase 2 evaluations.
If you are not a living kidney donor candidate at this time based on test results from Phase 1 evaluations.